Saturday 1 September 2012


Tesfay Teklemariam (CEO), Lecture at Wukro Hospital, 30/07/2012

There are different types of contraception available:

-Most effective and easy to use:
                -Sterilisation/vasectomy: permanent method
                -IUS/IUD: they last 5-10 years
                -Implants: they last 3 years

-Very effective but must be carefully used:
                -COC/POP: daily intake
                -Injection: it lasts 14-16 weeks

-Effective but must be used carefully:
                -Male condom
                -Female condom
                -Natural method

Only condoms protect against sexual transmitted diseases including HIV!

Lecture at Wukro Hospital, 30/07/2012
Lecture at Wukro Hospital, 31/07/2012

Hay distintos métodos de anticoncepción:

-Los más efectivos y fáciles de usar:
                -Esterilización/vasectomía: permanente
                -DIU/Mirena (DIU hormonal): duran de 5 a 10 años
                -Implantes subcutáneos: duran 3 años

-Muy efectivos pero se deben usar con cuidado:
                -Lactancia materna
                -Píldora (anticoncepción oral combinada o de una sola hormona): toma diaria
                -Inyección: dura entre 14-16 semanas

-Efectivos pero se deben usar con precaución:
                -Preservativo masculino
                -Preservativo femenino
                -Método natural

Solo el preservativo protege además contra las enfermedades de transmisión sexual incluido el VIH.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! You must be all feeling full in spirit and perhaps and bit tired, too. It would be nice to know more about your day-to-day experiences; the project seems trully successful, anyway. A kiss to all and wishes for a nice winter ahead, Maria y familia.
