Sunday 5 August 2012


Wukro, 3/08/2012.

Universal access to reproductive health including family planning is designated in the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. 

Family planning does not mean not to have children. It means you have the right to choose how many children to have and when.  

The risks associated with unsafe abortion are among the main causes of maternal death, especially in young women. If the woman wishes to continue the pregnancy, in low-resource settings without safe delivery services, the risks of maternal mortality are also high, as are morbidities that are often permanent.

Singh S, Wulf D, Hussain R, et al. Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress. New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2009.

At Wukro Hospital, 29/07/2012
At Wukro Hospital, 29/07/2012

Uno de los objetivos del Desarrollo del Milenio para el 2015 es el acceso universal a la salud reproductiva, incluyendo la planificación familiar.

La planificación familiar no significa no tener hijos, sino tener la posibilidad de escoger cuándo los tienes y cuántos quieres tener. 

El riesgo de aborto inseguro por un embarazo no deseado es una de las causas principales de mortalidad materna, especialmente en mujeres jóvenes. Incluso si se desea continuar con el embarazo  el riesgo de mortalidad materna sigue siendo muy elevado debido a los pocos recursos de los que se dispone para un parto seguro y a las enfermedades que la persona pueda tener o complicaciones que se presenten.

Singh S, Wulf D, Hussain R, et al. Abortion Worldwide: A Decade of Uneven Progress. New York: Guttmacher Institute, 2009.



  1. campamento base5 August 2012 at 03:35

    This is what it is all about.... educated decision making... and nobody else better than you guys to provide this. Post how it is going.... write your feelings!! :-)

  2. O, you're looking super good on that chair! Don't you wish you were taller? Jejeje...

  3. Hello all of you, so proud of all you're doing. Looking forward to hearing it all in person on your return. Lesley xxx
