Wednesday 25 July 2012


Paperwork is always boring but trying to get it done and ready on time can turn into an "adventure"...

Professional practice
For the professional practice
Approval to practice Medicine and Optometry in Ethiopia has been confirmed in writing by the MDU (Medical Defence Union) and the AOP (UK Association of Optometrists). It has been granted on the grounds of the specification of the kind of work that we are going to do, when and where and for how long.

Inventory of material and medication

For the provision of medication
Drugs can only be sold to individuals in the UK so we have bought them as private buyers and declare ourselves sole responsible individuals for their transportation. We have also had to confirm in writing that the said medications will not enter the EU again and that we have a established protocol about how to apply and monitor the contraceptive injections (Depo-Provera).
We carry a copy of all bills.

Letter by the Ethiopian Embassy
To cross the border
We have a signed letter by Dr Mehari Desalegn, Medical Director at the Wukro Hospital, enclosing a detailed list of what we are carrying with us and the fact that the medication and equipment are entirely for the hospital. In the letter he requests for customs to make an exemption at the border for us to enter the country with all of it. We have also a letter signed and stamped by the Ethiopian Embassy in the UK to cross the border without any complications or extra payments. 

Everything is ready...we think! We guess (as the text has been written in Amharic) and hope that this letter will be our safe-conduct to Wukro. Believe us, paperwork was not easy!


La burocracia es aburrida  pero tratar de que esté preparada a tiempo puede convertirse en una "aventura"...

Para el ejercicio profesional
El permiso para practicar medicina y optometría en Etiopia ha sido confirmado por escrito por el MDU (Unión de Defensa Medica) y la AOP (Asociación de Optometristas)  habiendo tenido que detallar específicamente qué vamos a hacer, donde y por cuánto tiempo.

Para conseguir los fármacos.

Los medicamentos solo pueden ser vendidos a personas físicas en el Reino Unido, así que han sido comprados a nivel personal. Hemos tenido que firmar nuestro compromiso como únicos responsables si algo sucede a estos medicamentos durante el vuelo, confirmar por escrito que ninguno de estos medicamentos entrará de nuevo a la UEE y que hemos establecido un protocolo sobre cómo se aplicarán y controlará el seguimiento de las inyecciones de contracepción (Depo-provera). Llevamos copia de todas la facturas.

Para cruzar la frontera
Tenemos una carta del Doctor Mehari Desalegn, director del Hospital de Wukro, con una lista detallada de todo lo que llevamos. En dicha carta el Dr. Mehari asegura que los fármacos y el instrumental son para ellos y solicita hacer una excepción en la frontera para su transporte. También tenemos una carta firmada y sellada por la embajada etíope en el Reino Unido para cruzar la frontera sin bloqueos ni pagos extras. 

Buff! Creemos que ya lo tenemos todo. Intuimos (ya que el texto está escrito en amharico) y esperamos que esta carta sea nuestro salvoconducto. ¡Creednos, la burocracia no está siendo nada fácil!


  1. You are doing SO well guys! I'm full of admiration for your dedication to this project. Really, REALLY well done. I check your blogs every day and I love them. I appreciate how much work is involved in posting them ( on top of everything else!!! ) and so enjoy them all the more!
    I hope you had a good flight and that you arrived safely!
    Big kiss from sunny ( for once!!! ) London
    XXX. Marianne

  2. "Campamento Base"25 July 2012 at 16:42

    Bueno, todo en marcha y vosotros en camino.... esperemos que la entrada en Etiopia sea triunfal, y que no os paren ni a vosotros ni a la mercancia.
    Besos enormes

  3. Hi there!
    How was your flight? Did you manage to get some sleep? And how is it over there? Was it easy to get there or did you have to travel more to reach destination?
    I hope Dani is doing well !
    Big kiss to you all,
    XXX. M

  4. How is it going? You must be very busy because you still haven't posted my last 2 comments! ;)
    I'm dying to know how you 3 are doing and how Dani is adjusting: can't wait for your next blog! ;)

    Big kiss,

    XXX. Marianne
